Dr Kamala Kant Bhoi born and completed schooling in village Melchhamunda, Bargarh, Odisha. After completing higher secondary in Science at Gangadhar Meher College, Sambalpur, Odisha he persuaded MBBS(1996) and MD(General Medicine,2000) at VSS Medical College(Now VIMSAR), Burla, Sambalpur University, Odisha.
He had served in backward rural health centre in Odisha(1997). He also trained in Neurology at autonomous IHBAS(2001-2003), New Delhi prior to his postdoctoral DM(Neurology,2006) at Bangur Institute of Neurology, IPGMER, University of Calcutta. He joined same IHBAS for a short period prior to practicing at MMI(2006-2008, now NH MMI), Raipur. Currently at Shri Balaji Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur(since 2009). His mother tongue is Odia, also well conversant in Hindi, Bengali,Koshali and English.
He has rich experience in Migraine, Epilepsy, Stroke, Neuropathy, Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Neuroelctrophysiology, Botox injection, etc. He has many national and international publications. He has also participated in many national and international conferences.
1. Bhoi KK, Pandit A, Laha D, Misra A, Barma P, Das SK. Central pontine and extrapontine demyelination: A case report and review of literature. Neurol Asia 2008; 51: 117- 118.
2. Bhoi KK, Biswas A, Ganguly PK. Neurodegenerative disorders and homocystine. In: Recent trends in geriatrics and gerontological studies. Ed: Chakraborty DK, Chakraborty S, Computer Centre, Netaji Nagar Day College, Kolkata 2004; Dec: 24-28.
3. Bhoi KK, Biswas A, Roy T. Drug treatment of Epilepsy. Int J of Med Today 2005.
4. Bhoi KK, Laha D, Misra A, Gupta D, Mukherjee JD, Das SK. Coagulation disorder and stroke: Two case reports. In: Progress in clinical neurosciences, Ed:.Sharma BS, Neurol Society of India 2005; vol 20: 203-206.
5. Prasad A, Bhoi KK, Bala K, Anand KS, Pal HK. Phenyl propanolamine- induced intraventricular hemorrhage. Neurol India 2003; 51: 117- 118.
6. Pandit A, Bhoi KK, Das SK, Roy T, Choudhury A. Autonomic and peripheral neuropathy in chronic liver diseases: A clinical and electro physiologic study, J. of Assoc of Neuroscientists of Eastern India 2003.
7. Pandit A, Majumdar B, Bhoi K.K, Das SK. Neurological involvement in cerebral malaria. J of Assoc of Neuroscientists of Eastern India 2004.
8. Senapati AK, Ganguly PK, Roy T, Pandit A, Bhoi KK. Inherited disorders metabolism and stroke. In: Med. Update, Ed: Bhattacharya PK, Assoc of Physician of India, APICON-ASSAM 2003; vol-7: 319-324.
9. Tapas Kumar Banerjee, Mrinal Kanti Roy, Kamala Kant Bhoi.Is stroke increasing in India - Preventive measures that need to be implemented. April 2005Journal of the Indian Medical Association 103(3):162, 164, 166.
10. Yasha Chickabasaviah, Ravi K Anadure, Anita Mahadevan, Bhoi K K. Seven cases of Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease: Expanding the clinical spectrum, and the role of skin biopsy. September 2007Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 10(Sep 2007):26.
11. Shrawan Kumar, K. K. Bhoi, Gajanan Yelme. Hematohidrosis: A Rare and Mysterious Case. Asian Journal of Case Reports in Medicine and Health 5(3): 10-13, 2021.
12. Bapat AS, Bhoi KK, Pathak P, Shinde MM, Verma N. Unusual Presentation of Hypertrichosis and Hyperpigmented Cutaneous Lesions in NeurofibromatosisInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(2); 1087-1091.
13. Verma N, Bhoi KK, Jaiswal D, Khatri P, Bapat A. Hematohidrosis: A Rare and Mysterious Case. SSR Inst Int J Life Sci., 2024; 10(1): 3695-3698.
14. Kamala Kant Bhoi. A Non-familial Case of SCA-42 Variant in Indian Subcontinent. ERWEJ. 2024;4(3):114-117. 10.54136/ERWEJ-0403-10083.
15. Bhoi, K. K., & Pattnaik, M. (2018). Clinical and electrophysiological profile of patients with acute idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP). Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 9(2), 253-256. doi: 10.4103/jnrp.jnrp_125_17
16. Bhoi, K. K., & Mishra, S. K. (2017). Treatment gap in epilepsy: A study from a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. Journal of Epilepsy Research, 7(2), 137-144. doi: 10.14581/jer.17013
17. Bhoi, K. K., & Sahu, P. K. (2016). Neurological manifestations of dengue fever: A case series. Journal of Neurology and Neurosciences, 1(1), 1-4.
18. Bhoi, K. K., & Panda, S. (2015). Profile of stroke patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 24(10), 2311-2316. doi: 10.1016 /j.jstrokecerebrovasdis. 2015.04.027
19. Bhoi, K. K., & Rout, N. (2014). Clinical and radiological profile of patients with brain tuberculosis. Journal of Neuroimaging, 24(3), 251-256. doi: 10.1111/jon.12073
20. Kamala Kant Bhoi. Muchalinda. Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews: 2024; 2(12):04-09.
21. Bhoi KK, Tamaskar S, Aum Bapat A, Verma N, Pardeshi D. From eye droop to an eye opener. wjpls, 2025, Vol. 11, Issue 1.
22. Bhoi KK, Bhoi C, Barik AAP, Barik S Melchhamunda and Muchalinda: A Study of Linguistic Evolution and Cultural Exchange. International Journal of Development Research, 2024. 14, (11).
23. Bhoi KK, Argade S. Acute Flaccid Paralysis in a Case of Graves Disease. International Journal of Development Research, 2024. 14, (11).
24. Bhoi KK, Verma N, Singh D. A rare case of vocal cord palsy due to Varicella Zoster virus reactivation. wjpls 2025. Vol. 11, Issue 1.
25. Bhoi, K.K., Bhoi, C., Barik, A.A.P., and Barik, S. Muchalinda: The Serpent King in Buddhist Mythology. International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH, 2024. 12(12), 52–55.
26. Bhoi, K.K. . Doctors Differ: A Philosophical Perspective. International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH, 2024. 12(12), 80–82.
27. Bhoi C, Barik AAP, Bhoi KK. From Expelled to Genius: Power of Parental Education. Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews: 2025; 3(1):01-02.
28. Bhoi KK. Inner Excellence. Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews: 2025; 3(1):14-18.
29. Bhoi KK. Acetyl-L-Carnitine in Geriatric Care: A Review. SSR Inst Int J Life Sci., 2025; 11(1): 6707-6711.
1. MD Thesis on ‘Observation on Fungal Infection In chronic Lung Diseases’. Sambalpur Univ, Orissa, 2000.
2. Double blind placebo- controlled trial of L- lysine monohydrochloride in patients with stroke due to cerebral infarction, As a project clinician being conducted at Bangur Institute of Neurology, Kolkata since Mar 2004.[Funded by Green Cross Terapeutics Ltd, Kolkata]
3. Multicentric trial of Divalproate sodium OD in migraine (A six-month post marketing surveillance). As a clinician conducted at Bangur Institute of Neurology, Kolkata in 2005.
4. An open multicentric non-comparative study to analyze the risk benefits of treatment with phenobanbitone in adult epileptic patients. As a co-investigator being conducted at Bangur Institute of Neurology, Kolkata since Aug 2005.[Funded by Nicholas Piramal India Ltd]
5. Profile of Duchenne/ Becker’s muscular dystrophy including molecular genetics and carrier state analysis. A collaborative study between Bangur Institute of Neurology, IPGMER, Kolkata and Dept of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Univ. of Calcutta. Presented paper on it in Indian Acad of Neurology, annual conference, 2006, Bangalore, India.
6. Multicentric trial: E valuation of Pirebedil LA in Parkinson’s Disease.(A three-months post marketing surveillance).. Conducted at Dept of Neurology, Modern Medical Institute,Raipur
7. A Long-term, Multicenter, Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Flexible-Dose Oral Aripiprazole (OPC-14597) as Maintenance Treatment in Adolescent Patients with Schizophrenia or Child and Adolescent Patients with Bipolar I Disorder, Manic or Mixed Episode with or without Psychotic Features, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC) Study 31-09-267,Conducted at Dept of Neurology, Shri Balaji Institute of Med Sc Pvt Ltd. Dubey colony. Raipur,2011-13,. KK Bhoi, Manoj Sahu, S Rajput, M Datta.
1. Bala K, Gupta M, Gupta R, Bhoi KK. Experience with intravenous sodium valproate in patients with cluster of seizures, Indian Epilepsy Assoc, Annual conference 2002.
2. Bhoi KK, Ganguly G, Senapati AK, Das SK, Ganguly PK, Roy T. A study of the treatment gap in epilepsy: In a tertiary health care centre in Eastern India. Asian-Oceanian Congress of Epilepsy, Annual conference 2004.
3. Pandit A, Bhoi KK, Guha G, Roy T. Aetiology of epilepsy with special reference to identification of the preventable forms: A study from Eastern India. Asian-Oceanian Congress of Epilepsy, Annual conference 2004.
4. Senapati AK, Basu S, Laha D, Bhoi KK, Roy T. Clinical and electrophysiological profile of patients wish acute idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP). 28th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 2006.
5. Basu S, Barma P, Laha D, Bhoi KK. Clinical profile of SSPE in a tertiary institute of W. Bengal, India. 28th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 2006.
6. S harma S, Sharma P, Anant S, Bhoi KK. CNS involvement in neurosyphilis. . Indian Acad of Neurology, annual conference, 2007, Mumbai, India.
7. Sharma S, Bhoi KK, Sharma P,Parashar A. Morvan’s Syndrome after scrotal tap and chemical instillation: A new association. Neuro Socy of India, annual conference, 2008, Mumbai, India.
8. Sahu S, Chhatani L,Bhoi KK. Central nervous system involvement in syphilis. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 21, Supplement 2, 2018.
9. Bhoi KK, Chhattani L, Jain S, Sahu S.Profile of recurrence of Bell's palsy and hemifacial spasm in Idiopathic facial paralysis. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 2019.
10. Gupta S, Bhoi KK, Kumar S,Chhattani L, Jaiswal D. A rare case of Kern-Sayre syndrome. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 2019.
11. K Surendra,Bhoi KK. Sensory neuronopathy patients presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital in central India. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 2019.
12. Kumar S, Bhoi KK. Patients of unusual secondary causes of hemifacial spasm presenting with multiple episodes of focal neurological deficit. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 2019.
13. Kumar S, Kumar N, Bhoi KK. One autoantibody (ANCA), different clinical manifestations, different imaging findings. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 2019.
14. Bhoi KK, Kumar S, Pandit A, Jaiswal D. Reversible Parkinsonism in osmotic demyelination syndrome. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Volume 22, Supplement 1.
15. Bhoi KK, Jaiswal D, Kumar A, Doshi R, Chhotani L, Gupta S. Seizure as a presenting symptom in COVID-19. 13th Asian Oceanian Epilepsy Congress(Virtual),10-13 Jun 2021.
16. Mortality Pattern of Stroke in a Large Hospital of West Bengal, India: Bhoi K.K., Pandit A., Ganguly G., Senapati A.K., Ganguly P.K., Das S.K., Roy T.; Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 2004, vol.7, 448
17. Double Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial on L-lysine Monohydrochloride in Patients with Stroke due to Cerebral Infarction: Bhoi K.K., Misra A., Biswas A., Ganguly G., Senapati A.K., Ganguly P.K., Das S.K., Roy T., Dhibar T., Ghorai P.K., Dutta D.; Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 2005, vol.8, no.3, 212
1. Life memeber : Indian Medical Academy.
2. Life member : Indian Academy of Neurology.
3. Member : American Academy Neurology.
4. Member : International Parkinson & Movement Disorder Society.
5. Member Secretary : Chhattisgarh Association of Neuroscientists, Raipur.
6. Member : JCI Medico City, Raipur, Zone-IX.
7. Member President : Utkal Sanskritik Parishad, Raipur.